
Ned Dickeson is a Clinical Psychologist who has been working in the mental-health sector since 2008. He holds a Bachelor of Behavioural Science completed at Charles Darwin University, a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) completed at the University of South Australia and a Masters of Psychology (Clinical) completed at the University of Adelaide in 2019.

Having worked in a range of settings including addiction, forensic, youth mental health and private practice, Ned has experience helping clientele from diverse backgrounds and situations. He is committed to an evidence-based understanding of psychology and of mental-health treatment and strives to work in a collaborative and unpretentious manner.

Ned also provides psychology for children and teens through Developing Minds


A full list of Ned’s vocational history can be found here


This video will give a sense of what Ned is like to help you decide if he would be a good fit to work with.