Video blog

The following videos show condensed versions of concepts and interventions that Ned uses in practice. The complete video blog can be found here

Horizon mindfulness: A quick way of grounding

Neuroplasticity and intervention: A very short primer

The catastrophise game (and the cool/wise game) - a simple cognitive intervantion.

A very short values excercise

A very short intro to opposite action (emotional regulation)

Cheat (the game) - for theory of mind and emotional regulation

Thinking fast and slow. Intro to CBT

Therapeutic UNO for children

Academic work

List of publications

Dickeson, E., Roberts, R., & Smout, M. F. (2020). Predicting boundary violation propensity among mental health professionals. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 27(6), 814-825.

Dickeson, E., & Smout, M. F. (2018). Is the Wounded Healer or the Psychologically Inflexible Healer in Undergraduate Psychology and Social Work Programs More Emphatic or Willing to Violate Professional Boundaries?. Australian J. Clinical Educ., 3, 1.

(Self published and non-peer reviewed)

Dickeson, E. (2017). The prevalence and implications of Wounded Healers: A systematic review of the literature.

Dickeson, E. (2019). Boundary Violations: Character & Contexts (Masters dissertation).

A lecture presented to Alberta Hospital Edmonton – Forensic Grand Rounds on the 2020 paper “Predicting Boundary Violations Among Mental Health Professionals”