
Standard 50-min consult rate: $211.85 (meaning a $70 fee when attending under Medicare)

Concession 50-min consult rate: $181.85 (meaning a $40 fee when attending under Medicare; available to concession card holders, those in financial stress, police and paramedics)

Information about Medicare Rebates and other funding

If you are referred under a Mental Health Care Plan by a GP or psychiatrist then Medicare will reimburse $141.85 of the fee, meaning there will be a gap of $70 (or $40 if on the concession rate). This gap cannot be claimed on private health cover. Medicare can reimburse 10 sessions within a calendar year.

Funding can also be claimed via Veteran Card and private health funds.

For clients attending under NDIS funding (self or planned managed only) fees are set at the rate recommended by the National Disability Support Agency.