Psychological Therapy

Therapy is available for adults (18+) only. Although Ned works with children/adolescents at Developing Minds

Hours (starting October 2024)

Tuesdays - from 8am until Midday

Fridays - from 2pm until 5pm

Telehealth available

A wider range of appointment times will become available throughout 2024.

By 2025 permanent times will be 8am - 5pm, Thursday - Friday.

Practice approach

Intervention provided is in adherence with standard clinical psychology practice including diagnosis (correctly identifying what the difficulty is), formulation (understanding how the difficulty keeps happening) and treatment planning (practical steps taken to lessen the difficulty).

The following list contains common psychological difficulties that Ned has experience working with: Please note that these are brief descriptions and do not convey the complexity of any one situation.

Generalised anxiety – Worrying too much about many different things.

Social anxiety – Feeling anxious of social interactions and avoiding them.

Health anxiety – Worrying too much about one’s own health and wellbeing.

Panic attack disorder – In dread of panic attacks and anything that might trigger one.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – Unwanted distressing thoughts (obsessions) and consequent habits (compulsions).

Depression – Feeling sad, hopeless, fatigued, uninterested and unmotivated.

Anger – Being stressed and lashing out at others.

Adjustment disorder – Difficulty coping with a life-changing event including grief.

Addiction – Being unable to stop self-defeating behaviours including drugs, alcohol and gambling.

Specific trauma – Exposure to a specific situation that continues to cause distress.

Complex trauma – Long term exposure to a situation (such as abuse/neglect throughout childhood) that has caused ongoing and wide-reaching difficulties.

Relationship difficulties – Break downs in communication with a significant other.

Existential difficulties - Struggling to make sense of everything. 

ADHD – Difficulties with concentration, organisation, impulse control and other executive functioning processes (Adults seeking a formal assessment of ADHD should consult a psychiatrist).

Eating Disorders – Having a problematic relationship with food (due the serious health risks that often accompany eating disorders, clients with these symptoms must have the support of a GP mental health care plan)